Time Management 101

Time management appears illusive, but it is rather simple. I don’t remember where I first heard the “big rocks” analogy, but it is one that is used by time management gurus and life coaches. It goes like this: If you plan your day with enough time for the big rocks—the important things that you know you want to do—the little rocks, gravel and sand will be able to slide through the big rocks and nicely co-exist. That is, if you plan your large segments of the day first, you will be able to get it all done.

Actually, that is a bit ambitious. As Abraham—the collective of spirits channeled through Esther Hicks—says, you can never get it done. That is, you can never get it done because as a powerful creator, there are many things you will want to do. Once you are done with today’s To Do list, you will add many more things for tomorrow. And that’s okay.

Lowering expectations in that you can’t get everything done is key to enjoying the life you  created.